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Kris Predebut Facebook Account


Kris Predebut Facebook Account >>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

5a02188284 I hate the fact that my Exo bias is like this& UGH WHY IS HE SO HOT STILL. Create a free website or blog at she does. Xiu Min won SM Everysing Contest in 2008, he was able to win the 2nd winner. 128. But the authenticity of the account is still in doubt ^ ^ 27. Previously Mr. Kais predebut photo 29. Arigatou . Chen is a gentle person. Post to Cancel . Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your account. 178. Ibu Kris benar-benar mencintai dia.Kris juga memiliki sikap yang sangat baik dan etika.Setiap kali tim melakukan perjalanan ke Beijing untuk bersaing, ibu Kris akan datang dan mencatat seluruh hal.(Lol dia bisa berbagi?) Kris adalah seorang anak yang sangat patuh Dia juga sangat polos / naif Ini awalnya dari seseorang di Baidu yang mengatakan ia adalah teman Kris di Kanada [TRANS].: Temannya cukup terkejut ketika ia menemukan bahwa Kris debutnya di EXO.Ketika ia melihat beberapa gambar fan diambil, ia melihat bahwa Kris masih membawa tas yang sama bahwa ia memiliki beberapa tahun yang lalu di Kanada. Chanyeol won SMART Model Contest in 2008. Kris () real name is Wu Yi Fan ( ) 157. (LogOut/Change) You are commenting using your Twitter account. Genre, performed by EXO is a K-pop, Mandopop, Pop, Dance-pop 3. Here in the Philippines we love you so much! EXO K and M FIGHTING!!! Reply AKI October 30, 2013 at 5:07 PM YEAH! I agree with you! Reply anna October 7, 2012 at 8:01 AM The JYP Luhan and SM Luhan are different persons. Post navigation ← EXOs Story [Lyric] What is Love EXO K (Romanization +English) → from day to another day May 2012 M T W T F S S Mar Jun 123456 78910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 Topicsaction album celebrity vacation CF drama event fanart fanmeet film info interview lyric Lyrics me2day music video my things nauli mazzy News performance Photo preview profile Radio Star sci-fi selebrity's dating SHINee Official sitcom teaser TV Show UFO Author Nauli MazzyTwitter RT TheEllenShow: Youve never seen anything like this. Not only singing, he also quite adept at rapping. 103. Simple 151. Reply chaeyoungcho October 23, 2012 at 4:16 PM Reblogged this on chaeyoungsite. (LogOut/Change) You are commenting using your Google+ account. 42. 102. Kyungso(D.O),bahkan lebih mudah untuk menanganu, menakut-nakuti dia dan dia akan diam. 111. His nickname is K. D.O was born on January 12, 1993. They are basically people with above average looks, sometimes with the use of photoshop and haduri(a korean webcam software) who post their pics online, some becoming internet celebrities. Luhan sometimes act like a child, and he was quite proud of his flower boy image. He doesnt like it when some say that he had done plastic surgery. They say, just like D.O, Suho has many antifans in China. Menu Skip to content HomeEXOpedia Profile EXOtown Tips Links . 112. If he gets stress he would choose listening to music or having a shower. Reply Afhra Grace Bacaoco February 17, 2014 at 9:14 AM Sehun is so very Cute Reply HanKook'sGirl February 22, 2014 at 11:49 PM I SO LOVE these guys! Saranghaeyo! Reply cristina cassandra patron March 10, 2014 at 12:11 PM im a solid EXOTIC

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